D10 (30cm, 150mL) / White
D15 (40cm, 300mL) / White
D20 (40cm, 350mL) / White
D25 (50cm, 450mL) / White
D26 (45cm, 400mL) / White
D35 (55cm, 600mL) / White
D36 (70cm, 1,000mL) / White
AQ2122WP (40cm, 500mL) / White
BPNSS (25cm, 250mL) / White
BPS (30cm, 350mL) / White

Waterproof & Absorbent Incontinence Pads, Insertable


Waterproof and Absorbent incontinence pads / inserts

Anatomically shaped, the incontinence pad provides comfortable and functional waterproof and absorbent protection against urinary and faecal leakage.

Absorbent: Yes, full-absorbent incontinence pad
Capacity: Various capacities (see chart)
Waterproof: Yes, full-waterproof ribbing and backing
Length and Capacity: See Sizing Chart
Recommended use:

  • Light incontinence and/or Heavy incontinence
  • Urinary incontinence and/or Faecal incontinence

SS -
Extra Small
S - Small
M - Medium
L - Large

Proudly Australian Made

Code Capacity Length Width at widest front Width at widest back Width at narrowest
D15 300mL 42cm 16.5cm 17cm 13cm
AQ2122WP 500mL 44cm 19.5cm 19cm 15cm
D25 450mL 49cm 22cm 21.5cm 17cm
D26 400mL 48cm 21cm 25.5cm 16cm
D35 600mL 59cm 24.5cm 28.5cm 21cm
D36 1,000mL 73cm 20.5cm 27.5cm 15cm